Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Dangers Of Toxins in Cleaners

On my quest to help others I would like to talk a little about the dangers of toxins in cleaners.  And some of the side effects that are brought on by them which include everything as simple as dizziness to more dangerous serious illnesses.   Many of us use commercial cleaning products without even realizing they are potentially very hazardous, like I mentioned earlier, because we are persuaded by advertisements that they are safe and can be used around childrens play area's, changing tables, to clean baby bottles's ect.  But as I began to learn more about the hazards, I was a little distraught that most of us are being mislead by these advertisements.  
  I feel so strongly about educating ourselves so that we can begin to fully understand what complications can occur so that we can make more informed decisions for the health of our families! 
  -  Ammonia which is very common in Glass Cleaners. The fumes from ammonia can irritate the skin, 
     eyes and respiratory system.
  -  Chlorine is the chemical most frequently involved in household poisonings in the U.S. and may
      cause reproductive, endocrine and immune disorders.
  -  Disinfectants which contain phenol and cresol can cause diarrhea, fainting spells, dizziness and also
      kidney and liver problems.  And this type of product also lists ethanol at 79 percent!  And it's not
      just ethanol,  it's denatured ethanol!   
       There's also alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride — a pesticide in this product!
    Do we really realize that these dangerous toxins are in some of the products we use so freely at 
 Please feel free to leave me your comments, I would love to hear from you!

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