Monday, December 12, 2011

Are you Living in a Toxic Home?

 - More than 9 out of 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products.
 - Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home.
  Another pretty scary thought is that children are highly vulnerable to chemical toxins because pound for pound of body weight, children eat more food, drink more water and breathe more air than adults which in turn gives them subsequently heavier exposures than adults to any toxicants that are present in water, food or air.
Did you know that the average U.S. home generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year!  The EPA has listed toilet cleaners, tub & tile cleaners, oven cleaners & bleach as hazardous waste.   
**Even dish wash liquid, a product you would think is safe, contains petroleum based surfactants that stay around in the environment, and the fragrance of this product is stabilized with phthalates.**
  And the tub, tile and sink cleaners that I mentioned before, many of these products contain chlorine and may contribute to the formation of organochlorines which is a dangerous class of compounds that can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.  Many also contain phosphoric acid, which is corrosive and irritates our eyes, lungs and skin. 
  I feel it is so important to educate ourselves more about how we can improve our indoor air quality to help our family overcome Asthma, Allergies & ultimately other diseases.   Commercial cleaners are very harsh and weaken our immune systems which make us more vulnerable to disease. 
But there is hope, we just need to educate ourselves and switch to non-toxic cleaning products that will keep our family and environment safe!!   
Please go to this web-site to find out what’s lurking on your shelves:   
  Please let me know your thoughts, I would be so happy to hear from you!
To your good health, Sherry

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are you Living in a Toxic Home?

 - More than 9 out of 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products.
 - Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home.
  Another pretty scary thought is that children are highly vulnerable to chemical toxins because pound for pound of body weight, children eat more food, drink more water and breathe more air than adults which in turn gives them subsequently heavier exposures than adults to any toxicants that are present in water, food or air. 
Did you know that the average U.S. home generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year!  The EPA has listed toilet cleaners, tub & tile cleaners, oven cleaners & bleach as hazardous waste.    
**Even dish wash liquid, a product you would think is safe, contains petroleum based surfactants that stay around in the environment, and the fragrance of this product is stabilized with phthalates.**
  And the tub, tile and sink cleaners that I mentioned before, many of these products contain chlorine and may contribute to the formation of organochlorines which is a dangerous class of compounds that can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.  Many also contain phosphoric acid, which is corrosive and irritates our eyes, lungs and skin.  
  I feel it is so important to educate ourselves more about how we can improve our indoor air quality to help our family overcome Asthma, Allergies & ultimately other diseases.   Commercial cleaners are very harsh and weaken our immune systems which make us more vulnerable to disease.  
But there is hope, we just need to educate ourselves and switch to non-toxic cleaning products that will keep our family and environment safe!!    
Please go to this web-site to find out what’s lurking on your shelves:
  Please let me know your thoughts, I would be so happy to hear from you!
To your good health, Sherry

Monday, September 12, 2011

Toxins in Personal Care Products

Have we really ever thought about what is in our personal care products?  
    Did you know that a recent survey of 2,300 people around the country conducted by the Environmental Working Group found that if you're like most Americans, you use an average of nine products containing about 126 unique ingredients.  More than a quarter of women use at least 15!!   And these are products that we use everyday!  
   These products include everything from shampoo and conditioner to lip balm and lipstick and everything in between.  And it is not just products for women, men's products are just as troubling, worse yet is our kids and baby products that we put so much trust in using everyday.  Harsh ingredients that should concern us parents.
   Each of these products contain an array of chemicals and fragrances, most of them synthetic petrochemicals and many of them potentially toxic.  The makers of personal care products do their best to assure us that their products will make us look young, make our skin glow, our hair shine and our wrinkles fade.  But what they can't assure us is that their products are safe to use.   This is because as with household cleaners, they haven't tested the vast majority of the products they sell,  and the U.S. government doesn't require them to. 
  There are so many harmful ingredients that I could not possibly cover even a fraction of them in this post but let's start with phthalates.  Most of us have heard about them but do we really know the danger of them?   They are in products ranging from personal care baby products to fragrances, nail polish, aerosols and the list goes on and on!    It somehow does not seem right to choose personal care products for our family that have ingredients that are also used in cleaning products and nail polishes!
  What concerns me as a mom is that so many others do not know the dangers of toxins in our babies and kids products and I think it is so important for others to know and become educated so that we can make decisions on whether or not we want to continue to use harmful products for our family. 
  Phthalates, a probable carcinogen - there are more than two dozen different types of phthalates commonly used by the chemical industry. Being a probable carcinogen means that they cause cancer in animals and they may cause cancer in humans.  And that is just the tip of the iceberg, the list of harmful effects from these chemicals is very scary.   
  **But the good news is that you can make a change and choose to use products for you and your family that are not harmful and use products that will not cause ill side effects.   I have listed some websites that you can check out to learn more about the harmful ingredients that might concern you. **Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information about this topic,  I would also be so happy to share information about products that can help you to live a cleaner, healthier life!!
   As always, please feel free to leave your comments,  I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Dangers Of Toxins in Cleaners

On my quest to help others I would like to talk a little about the dangers of toxins in cleaners.  And some of the side effects that are brought on by them which include everything as simple as dizziness to more dangerous serious illnesses.   Many of us use commercial cleaning products without even realizing they are potentially very hazardous, like I mentioned earlier, because we are persuaded by advertisements that they are safe and can be used around childrens play area's, changing tables, to clean baby bottles's ect.  But as I began to learn more about the hazards, I was a little distraught that most of us are being mislead by these advertisements.  
  I feel so strongly about educating ourselves so that we can begin to fully understand what complications can occur so that we can make more informed decisions for the health of our families! 
  -  Ammonia which is very common in Glass Cleaners. The fumes from ammonia can irritate the skin, 
     eyes and respiratory system.
  -  Chlorine is the chemical most frequently involved in household poisonings in the U.S. and may
      cause reproductive, endocrine and immune disorders.
  -  Disinfectants which contain phenol and cresol can cause diarrhea, fainting spells, dizziness and also
      kidney and liver problems.  And this type of product also lists ethanol at 79 percent!  And it's not
      just ethanol,  it's denatured ethanol!   
       There's also alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride — a pesticide in this product!
    Do we really realize that these dangerous toxins are in some of the products we use so freely at 
 Please feel free to leave me your comments, I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Hazards of Toxins in Cleaners

I have been thinking a lot about starting a blog in regards to the importance of using safe, non-toxic cleaning products. So I figured there is no better time than now!  Especially with the hot weather we are having,  we are not opening windows to bring fresh air in from outside.
 I am really excited to start my series of blogs to help those that are interested in learning more about the importance of choosing cleaning products that will benefit you and your family in so many ways. 
  If you were to go to your cupboard right now and find a cleaner that contained sodium hydroxide or butyl cellosolve or formaldehyde, would you be concerned?  Truth is most of us do not realize how dangerous these chemicals are and it is mostly because these products are advertised on TV and they are presented to us in a way that makes us feel like they are safe.  The advertisements show us that spraying aerosol products around our childrens toys and crib or bed area is a good thing to get rid of germs, but in reality the spray that is being used is more harmful.
   I am especially concerned  because I have a special needs son and I have learned early on that getting rid of toxins in our home would help him tremendously with his learning disability.    I do have information in regards to this; children who were in a study that completed a writing skills test showed dramatic improvement once the toxic cleaners in their home or school was removed.    I will share more with you later on this topic next time but for now would like to leave you with this thought: 
 The incidence of doctor-diagnosed asthma was highest in those who used the cleaning sprays at least four times a week and children are usually much more sensitive to household cleaning products than adults. Small children are especially vulnerable as they are closer to the floor as they play and crawl.  As are our pets!
    I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in this discussion, please let me know your thoughts when you can!